May 20, 2023

Best Time to Go Chimpanzee Trekking in Uganda

Best Time to Go Chimpanzee Trekking in Uganda Uganda is globally referred to as the primate capital of the world because of the high number of primates in the country. Chimpanzees are one of the primates that can be seen in Uganda in large numbers within their natural habitat. However, […]
March 30, 2023

Wildlife tours in Akagera National Park

Wildlife tours in Akagera National Park, Rwanda Akagera National Park is one of the national parks in Rwanda and the only savannah park in the country. The National Park is the only place in Rwanda where you can experience the Big Five safari and game drives. Despite being the only […]
March 15, 2023

Canopy walk in Rwanda

Canopy walk in Rwanda Canopy walk in Rwanda – A canopy walk in Rwanda’s Nyungwe Forest National Park is an exciting safari activity where travelers are allowed to walk high on a suspended trail with a height of up to 70 meters. You will have a great feeling while enjoying […]
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